Guidelines for CAQ AG's Partners

Status: 24.11.2023

  1. Partner Logos
  2. Utilization of the Partner Logo
  3. Online Advertising
  4. Advertising Material (Print)
  5. Content
  6. Examples of Partner Websites
  7. Trademark Information

Partner Logos

The CAQ AG logo is our most important and most frequently applied brand element, which reflects our visual identity. Therefore, the correct and consistent utilization of the logos is particularly important. The CAQ AG partner logos visualize the cooperative collaboration with our partners and should only be used in this context.

Download Preferred Partner Logos
Download Partner Logos

Illustration Example

Preferred Partner Logo in landscape format (preferred)
Preferred Partner Logo in vertical format

Color Specifications

CAQ black

CMYK: 0-0-0-100
Pantone: Black

RGB: 0-0-0
Hex: #000000

CAQ yellow

CMYK: 0-30-100-0
Pantone: 123 C

RGB: 251-184-0
Hex: #fbb800

CAQ grey

CMYK: 43-34-40-0
Pantone: 402 C

RGB: 161-159-150
Hex: #a19f96

Minimum Free Space

Minimum Size

Print: 8 mm
Digital: 36 px
Print: 11 mm
Digital: 49 px

Utilization of the Partner Logo

The partner logo should only be applied as co-branding element. This means that your company logo as partner of the CAQ AG should always stay in the foreground of your own marketing material and it should be clear that you are acting on behalf of your company as a partner of CAQ AG and not as CAQ AG itself.

The logo of the partner company is clearly positioned in the foreground.
The CAQ AG partner logo must not be bigger than the own company logo.

Correct Utilization:

  • Logo on black or white background
  • Logo with sufficient spacing
  • Logo in correct proportions
  • Logo without shadows

Not that way:

Quality is our DNA. This should also be reflected in our external representation. Our logo as well as our partner logo should not appear in the surroundings of marketing material or online presences of inferior quality.

Advertising materials (Flyer, Catalogues, etc.)

If you need print material, there are two options:

  1. You create individual advertising material using our partner logo and considering the guidelines mentioned above.
  2. You order original CAQ AG advertising materials from us and mark those with a sticker on the designated position. Please don’t paste over the CAQ AG logo or address.
Flyer in the own design incl. utilization of the CAQ AG partner logo.
CAQ AG flyer with sticker of the partner company, without pasting over contact data or logo.
Stickers pasted on flyers of the CAQ AG must not paste over contact data or the logo.

Online Advertising

You should also consider the mentioned guidelines for the utilization of the partner logos when advertising online. Furthermore, you should pay attention that any advertisement in connection with CAQ AG does not appear in the surroundings of inappropriate content, such as violence, drugs, pornography or similar.

The CAQ AG does not give any approval or permission for bids on the own brand or product names („CAQ AG“, „CAQ AG Factory Systems“, „CAQ.Net“, „Process.Net“, „QBD.Net“, „Qualify.Net“, „Projects.Net“, „Change.Net“, „Success.Net“, „Compact.Net“, „EMP.Net“, „PMM.Net“, „PMS.Net“, „QAM.Net“, „SRM.Net“, „Risk.Net“, „REM.Net“, or related terms) as keyword or the mentioning of those in advertising copy of search engine advertising campaigns, such as Google Ads or Microsoft Ads.

Please don’t create dedicated websites or domains, only for the cause of advertising CAQ AG products.

Online Advertisements without brand or product names of the CAQ AG.
Brand or product names must not be used in online advertisements.


If you need content for online or print media, we are happy to provide you with pre-written copy as well as screenshots of our software.

Text Content

Please use either the templates from our download page or self-written text. Please don’t copy any text content from our website or other online presences of the CAQ AG. This would lead to bad rankings in search engines like Google, both for you and for us.


We provide you with selected screenshots of our software for commercial use. Alternatively, you can also create your own screenshots of our software and use these accordingly.

Download product texts & screenshots

Examples of Partner Websites

If you need help with the graphical presentation of content on your website, we will be happy to help you. Alternatively, you can take a look at our sample pages and use them as a basis.

Show examples

Trademark Information

Product and brand names of the CAQ AG Factory Systems must not be customized or left out.

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