
Employee Training Management Software

Plan, manage, and provide your trainings and qualifications.
Overview of all
employee qualifications
AI-assisted creation
of e-learnings
Automatic reminders
on qualification expiry

E-learning in the training<span></span> management <span></span>software <b>Qualify</b><i>.Net</i>
E-learning in the training management software Qualify.Net

Digital Employee Training Management

The training management software Qualify.Net provides effective assistance in complying with the documentation obligations demanded by official standards and allows you to unveil the often hidden potential of your employees. Whether you wish to establish and monitor the training and qualification requirements in your company or find the perfect employee for a given task: the comprehensive list of functions, logical layout, and high degree of usability make Qualify.Net the definitive tool for planning, managing, and documenting all training and qualification matters in your company.

Just a few clicks allow you to fulfill key documentation duties within the framework of ISO 9001 and create an expressive and easily maintainable qualification and training database. Not least thanks to its e-learning functions, the software enables you to tap the full potential of your employees and thus set the course for sustainable corporate success.

Functions of the Training Management Software

  • Skills Matrix
    Overview of the current status of qualifications and identification of training requirements per employee or employee group in the spirit of a skills matrix software
  • Verification & Traceability
    Clean documentation with proof of competence and effectiveness verification for each employee
  • Conditional Qualifications
    Manage various qualifications building on each other in the form of conditional qualifications that can be interlinked
  • Potential Analysis
    Find suitable employees for a specific job based on user-defined employee profiles
  • Invitation & Booking Management
    Simple registration for training courses with automatic acceptance by the system or approval by responsible parties
  • E-Learning
    E-learning software: Employees can complete self-trainings and check and document their level of knowledge using interactive and time-controlled tests
  • AI Assistant
    Support through integrated AI assistant for the creation of exam questions from PDF documents and training information
  • Review Options
    Online function for training, speaker or event location reviews
  • Evaluation
    Record of internal and external training measures and their evaluation to determine training duration, cost overview and other individual evaluation options
  • Receipts
    Use standard print documents or create individual documents, such as participant certificates, onboarding plans or table cards

Cross-Modular Functions

Standards-Compliance of the Training Management Software

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 13485
  • FSSC 22000
  • IATF 16949
  • DIN EN 9100
  • DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
  • FDA 21 CFR Part 820.25
  • FDA 21 CFR Part 11
  • GMP
  • IFS
  • More Regulations »
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