FMEA Software

The FMEA software Risk.Net supports users in identifying and evaluating potential sources of failure as early as the development phase and stopping them from occurring through targeted preventive measures. Thanks to the software-supported implementation of the FMEA methodology, failure costs that may later occur in production or after the product has reached the customer, can be avoided in advance.

The 7 Steps of FMEA in the Software

Risk.Net accompanies you throughout the creation of FMEAs in accordance with the specifications of the FMEA manual as harmonized by AIAG and VDA. It therefore supports you in the correct mapping and compliant implementation of the 7 steps of FMEA as required by this guideline:

In the first step, all necessary information for the preparation and scoping of the FMEA is documented in the "Risk Analysis" view. In addition to the basic FMEA information, the team members and other information for the FMEA form header are also defined in this step. At this point, you can, for example, attach comments, graphics, and documents or link block diagrams and process flow charts within the FMEA Software.

FMEA – Step 1: Preparation and Scoping

In the second step, the FMEA structure is created and clearly displayed using the "Structure Analysis" view. Here, you can work with more than three hierarchy levels while creating all required structures.

FMEA – Step 2: Structure Analysis

The AIAG / VDA compliant creation of the functional analysis is also carried out in the "Structure Analysis" view. In this step of the FMEA, you can create one or more functions for each system element. For this purpose, the lower part of the screen in the FMEA Software shows the functions of the system element selected in the structure tree, and the subordinate system elements with their functions are displayed to the right. You can then link these elements together via drag and drop.

FMEA – Step 3: Function Analysis

In this step the failures are defined on the basis of the functions and linked to each other via drag and drop – analogous to the function analysis step. For this purpose, the B-ratings of the sequences are once again displayed and inherited accordingly. During the failure analysis, you can also have all the failure networks of an FMEA displayed graphically in the "Failure Structure" view.

FMEA – Step 4: Failure Analysis

The risk analysis is carried out in the "Risk Analysis" view of the FMEA Software, where the previously established failure links are displayed hierarchically. By double-clicking on the cause, you can define the ACTUAL measures as well as the evaluation of the current occurrence and the current detection. Here, you can add further attributes such as comments, links, etc. in addition to the classic attributes. In order to evaluate the ACTUAL status and to effectively move into the optimization phase, the software offers a frequency analysis of the AP in this view. This view shows a graphic of the action priorities and can therefore also be used as part of a status report.

FMEA – Step 5: Risk Analysis

During the optimization step, you can create new action statuses or "States" for each cause in the FMEA Software. In each action state, you can define optimizing avoidance and/or detection actions, including the person responsible, deadline, and status. All action states and actions are displayed directly and clearly by means of a hierarchical structure in the software.

FMEA – Step 6: Optimization

In the final step of the FMEA, you can present and export the results in the form sheet – including AP – in accordance with the methodology of AIAG and VDA. The functions and system elements associated with the failure are displayed next to the consequence and cause levels in the form sheet, thus ensuring a clear form presentation. The AP frequency analysis can also be usefully integrated into the FMEA presentation, giving you a quick overview of the number of residual risks. Finally, you can perform additional graphical evaluations regarding actions and assessments or filter for further information in the FMEA at this point.

FMEA – Step 7: Presentation

FMEA-Software Risk.Net
FMEA-Software Risk.Net

Additional Functions of the Risk.Net Software

Risk.Net is a holistic Risk Management Software which combines the most diverse methods and philosophies of risk management in one solution. In addition to AIAG / VDA compliant Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, the software solution can, for example, also be used to perform risk analyses in accordance with DIN EN 14971 (including risk matrix) or ISO 22000 compliant HACCP analyses using a HACCP decision tree.

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