All CAQ.Net software modules are designed to work as independent solutions or in direct combination with one another. Regardless of whether you require one simple CAQ module which you wish to configure yourself or wish to professionally incorporate an entire Quality Management Software solution in your existing ERP system environment – CAQ.Net is a scalable software solution that adapts to your future needs and grows with you.
The multi-language support of CAQ.Net covers every right-bound Unicode language. This support applies to all master, application, and dynamic data contained in the software. It also allows you to freely define the terminology of a separate, user-specific language to best suit your individual requirements.
The software allows you to switch between English and any other language at the click of a button – for instance allowing you to conveniently exchange quality-related information with your production plant abroad.
With the help of the multitenant capability in CAQ.Net, you can manage data from different plants, departments, or cost centers of your company separately. Multitenancy allows you to logically separate data on a single database per tenant.