
Cross-Modular Evaluations in CAQ.Net

Analyze and evaluate systemwide data across all CAQ.Net applications.
evaluations & statistics
Comprehensive rights concept
for information confidentiality
Real-time or cyclical
report manager

Evaluate QM data with QReports.Net
Evaluate QM data across systems with QReports.Net

All Data at a Glance

Few aspects of quality management are as important as clear, expressive, and unambiguous information regarding the strategic and operative course of a company. QReports.Net provides precisely this. It supports you throughout your interaction with customers, suppliers, and business partners by clearly stating what has been achieved and projecting trends for the future.

This makes it the ideal supplement for the cross-modular Q-transparency that connects the individual CAQ.Net software modules and a logical enhancement of the intra-modular statistics and evaluation functions.

Functions of the Cross-Modular Evaluation

  • Cross-modular
    Access to the complete CAQ database
  • Individual Evaluations
    Evaluations and statistics as a graphical visualization or in list form with grouping of results according to individual specifications and flexible filter options
  • Print Documents & E-mail Integration
    Direct integration into the CAQ workflows by means of cyclical e-mail distribution of the corresponding analyses and reports
  • Visualization in Real-time
    Make evaluations available only to defined groups of people in real-time via browser
  • Export
    Storage of graphics in common image formats (png, jpeg, tiff, gif, bmp) and export of list values as Excel or ASCII
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