Skills Matrix Software

Can you tell immediately and precisely for all employees in your company who needs which qualifications, who has which qualifications, and for whom which qualifications have expired? With the skills matrix in our training management software, you always have the answers to these questions right at your fingertips.

Keeping an Eye on Trainings, Qualifications, and Skills

Skills<span></span> Matrix in <b>Qualify</b><i>.Net</i>
Skills Matrix in the Training Management Software Qualify.Net

The qualification matrix in the Training Management Software Qualify.Net allows you to precisely trace which employee requires training in which area and at what point in time said training is due. This means you can consistently monitor and document any type of training and qualification – regardless of whether you are dealing with safety trainings, language tuitions, technical schoolings, or any other type of training.

The matrix also allows you to always find the most suitable employee for a specific task. Let´s say you are, for example, looking for an employee in your company who has a truck driver’s license, speaks fluent German, and has been trained in the handling of dangerous goods. All you need to do now is enter these parameters and the system will return a list of candidates along with information that states to what degree the individual candidates fulfil the required qualifications. In our example, you may learn that seven of your employees have a truck driver’s license and are trained in the handling of dangerous goods, but only one of these seven also speaks fluent German. In just a few steps, the software thereby allows you to find the most suitable employee for any given task.

Skills Matrix Software and More

The software solution Qualify.Net is, however, more than a mere Skills Matrix Software, as it unites Skills Matrix, training management, qualification management, and e-learning in one software including potential analysis. Qualify.Net is the definitive software solution for the planning, administration, documentation, and evaluation of all training and qualification matters in your company. Just a few clicks allow you to fulfil key documentation duties within the framework of ISO 9001 and create an expressive and easily maintainable qualification and training database. Not least thanks to its e-learning functions, the software enables you to tap the full potential of your employees and thus set the course for sustainable corporate success.

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